Tips for Multiply Value in Two Columns in MapInfo 11

Posted on | Monday, January 23, 2012 | No Comments

One particular of my favorite element in MapInfo is the Update Column tool. With this instrument we can easily update a table with all the information coming from other table or the calculation on the table by itself. This tutorial will indicate you the way to create update a column using a straightforward multiplication amongst two numeric fields or columns.


The table Koordinat_gamblis has four numeric columns: No, easting, northing and elevation. And we're going to add “Calculation” column into the table to keep the multiplication among easting and northing.

How you can it

 Modify the table framework, put a whole new float field. Go toMaintenanceComposition
 Head toChoose your table to update.
 Pick out column to update (this column will shop the calculation result-must be described as a numeric/float one particular)
 Select the table from “Get Value From Table”. This really is the table we will grab the data for your calculation. In this case, we make use of the very same table.

 Click on Assist button. Form the expression as stick to: easting * northing


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