Tips for Setup Auto Correct Mac OS X Lion Language Priority

Posted on | Saturday, February 11, 2012 | No Comments

As we all know, English has some kinds. In bulk, it can be divided into American English and British English. Each of them are accurate, but some phrases have various spelling like “centre” in British English, and “center” in American English. Hence, you ought to generate a language concern with your Mac OS X Lion Auto Correct. So, when you set in American English, you might be corrected should you style “centre” into “center”. Moreover, you could set into a further language like Portuguese or Spanish.

To allow the Vehicle Right Language Priorities in Mac OS X Lion, do these ways:
1. Drop by “System Preferences”, then click about the “Language & Text” icon.
2. Tap about the “Text” Tab and choose the pull-down menu next to “Spelling”. The default is “Automatic by Language”
3. After that, scroll down the menu and select “Set Up”
4. Click around the checkbox beside the language you want.
5. Then, drag your selected language to the top of language list.
6. Simply click “Done”. Close the “System Preferences”.
Actually, the Mac OS X Lion provides you four sets of language minimum: American English, British English, Canadian English, and Australian English.


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