Tutorial for Launchpad, Autocorrect and Dashboard on OSX Lion

Posted on | Thursday, February 23, 2012 | No Comments

There are some tips and methods in managing OSX Lion. The guidelines and methods are handling the launchpad, mission handle and dashboard, and car restart.
1. Launchpad
The trouble occurred in launchpad could it be does not have the modification office. So, for those who are not able to take care of the applications you do not use, the launchpad will be in a very cluttered mess. Unfortunately, the Apple won’t permit you to take away the Apple apps. Like a end result, to unravel the situation, you would like to check out Terminal, open it, and enter the next thread absolutely:
sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/*.db “DELETE from applications; DELETE from groups Where by title<>”; DELETE from things Exactly where rowid>2;”; Killall Dock

By copying and pasting all those string will delete each of the Launchpad. Just after that, duplicate and paste this string to own the default settings of Launchpad:
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/*.db; killall Dock.
2. Mission management and dashboard
To get rid of the dashboard from mission handle,, drop by Method Preferences -> Mission Control and deactivate “Show Dashboard for a space”.
3. Autocorrect
Autocorrect at times disturbs us. So, it's greater to change it off. How? Check out Program Preferences -> Language & Text -> Choose the Text tab. There you will find the option to turn it off.


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